![]() Greetings parapeople. Let us take a journey, picture it if you will… A chilling Saturday night, driving through the gate of one of Liverpool’s oldest building complexes, passing walls built buy convicts and labourers. The night started off like any other ordinary night for team APPI, with a walk though the buildings, a laugh and good times. With night well and truly fallen, our group of victims… oops, sorry ‘participants’, started to arrive, and we all gathered in home base and discuss the events for the evening. After all the pleasantries were done, we took the group for a wander and showed off the lovely buildings. While standing outside the last building we went though with part of the group, Peet walked out the door and asked if any one had “shhhhhhhhhhhhhh’d” them while walking out. Following her was Sascha and Nic, as well as the last part of the group - all who confirmed they had also heard a loud shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…. Mwhaaaaa, the night had begun. So splitting into our 3 groups, Peet, Ryan and I, with our group following, set off to what I call “Patti’s room”. Peet put me in charge of the group, while she sat back, and Ryan filmed the events. We were in the room for only a little when strange things were afoot. One of our group members started seeing a shadow person in the back of the room, so Peet and I went off to see what we could feel - BIG mistake on my part. I felt contempt and a bit of rage dwell up inside of me. Peet was standing next to me called out to me. I look at her for a while, then stood up, walked to her, looked her in the eye and said “You should show more respect, you should show respect”. With that Peet grabbed me by the arm and walked me out of the room. After calming down I walked back into the room, feeling what I had felt before, but having more control over it. To me, it was a matron of the old hospital, showing us she does not like or want us there. I once again made my way to the back of the room, and this time I felt what I could only describe as someone leaning on me, on my right side. It was cold and heavy. Very unpleasant. So, with our first vigil drawing to a close, we descended the spiral staircase of the main hall, and meet with the other teams at home base. With a quick breather done, we set of to the dungeon (insert demonic laugh here ). We placed the willing victims in cells of their own, with the two ladies choosing to go into the first cell together. When the vigils started, Peet, Ryan and myself set off to do our vigil in the morgue at the end of the hallway. Not to long into the vigil we started to here what only can be described as very cartoon villain laugh, with no reaction from any other people, we let it be. Again we heard the laugh, and again no reaction, we began to think that perhaps we were the only ones hearing it. Then, all of a sudden, BANG! We all 3 of us looked at each other with the kind of look on our faces as to say wtf? Then BANG.....BANG. By this time Ryan and I have both jumped up, opened the morgue door, and again heard BANG,BANG,BANG ,BANG. We both legged it down to cell 2 where the banging became frantic and louder. We both yelled out to the person in cell 2 with no response, apart from the banging. We pushed on the door, but it would not open. We pushed again but it was still closed. Both Ryan and I put our shoulders to the door and pushed, and out came the gentleman in cell 2, looking pail and shaken, saying someone was in there with him and wanted out. We took him out side to ground him and make sure he was ok. Being the trooper he was, he went back into the hallway to continue. Not much happened after that, but what had a happened was a first for me to witness. With all the vigils complete, we started free time. Our very talented tech manager (audio visual) Glen started an experiment that involved a person sitting in the halls of the dungeon alone for 10 minutes, monitored by CCTV (outcome is still in review). With Peet and I walking the grounds in the wee hours of a cold Sunday morning, not much happened to us, but boy did we have fun. The sun slowly came up over the horizon and I managed to grab an hours snooze in a massage chair – pure luxury. The night had come to a close, so we bid our guests far well, packed up all of our gear and agreed that a great night was had by all! We said our good byes to each other and went our separate ways, and off to bed we went.
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AuthorAll members of the APPI Crew will be posting blogs on what we have been up to, each from our own perspective! Archives
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